In this romantic comedy of errors and intrigues based on the novel of Anslavs Eglitis, in late 1930s Latvia, the talented but poor artist Juris arrives in Riga from the countryside. At the same time, the arrogant and wealthy artist Eizens returns from a set of painting sessions in Paris, determined to get his hands on his rich uncle’s estate. Both young artists come under the influence of art critic and pathological intriguer Kurcus, who hatches an elaborate plot to promote Juris at the expense of Eizens.

All goes according to plan until the beautiful artist Ciemalda enters the picture — and triggers a chain of unexpected events that will change the lives of everyone.

Homo Novus is one of six feature movies (and the only comedy) included in National Film Centre programme “Latvian films for Latvian centenary.” The national premiere of the movie took place on September 26th, 2018, and subsequently became the most popular Latvian-produced film in cinemas in 2018.


Art historian Linda Treija will introduce the film before the screening.

This film screening is made possible with the assistance of Film Angels, New York Latvian Organization (NYLOP), and Consulate of Latvia in New York.

About the Director

Anna Viduleja (b.1972) is a founding member of Film Angels Studio. She received her BA in Cinema Direction from the Latvian Academy of Culture and later studied at the National Cinema and TV School in the UK.

She is the director of multiple short films, including historical short films dedicated to the Riga 800 anniversary, and released her first feature film Vogelfrei in 2007. Homo Novus is her second feature film.



SATJanuary 26—3:45 PM
122 min. In Latvian with English subtitles.

$12 ($7 ASF Members)