Inspired by movies like Shutter Island and Deliverance, a group of Swedish teenagers  have just left high school and feel the vast adulthood spreading out in front of them. Madde (Felice Jankell) just wants to get away from both her surroundings, and herself. When her cousin invites her to come along on a

group canoe trip, she accepts the offer, hoping it will provide her with the tranquility she so desperately needs. But what lies in wait for her in the vast wilderness is anything but peaceful. Directed by Magnus Hedberg (Sweden, 2015).

Special thanks to Solid Entertainment.

Praise for From the Depths of My Heart:

From the Depths of My Heart is a mixture of genres. It’s dreamy, evocative and captivating with a focus on both the beauty and frightfulness of nature.”—Karolina Fjellborg, Aftonbladet

“The Cinematographer Dennis Trulsson captures a lush and dreamy world where the mist lies thick over a calm lake and swans resemble angels.”—Fredrik Strage, Dagens Nyheter

From the Depths of My Heart is a movie that explores the worst sides in people, and the results are captivating.”—Tove Bengtsson, Svenska Dagbladet


About the director

Magnus Hedberg is a filmmaker based in Malmö, Sweden. He studied film at The London Film Academy and Fine Arts at Central St. Martins.

After a few years of working with commercials and music videos he made his first feature, The Last Day/Sista dagen, in 2006. From The Depths Of My Heart is his second feature.



Image Courtesy of Solid Entertainment

WED— 3-16-2016—7 PM
$10 ($7 ASF Members)
95 min. | In Swedish with English subtitles

Director Magnus Hedberg will be in attendance and participate in a Q & A following the screening.