Nørgård’s ten string quartets constitute a major part of his musical legacy. The fearless and dynamic Momenta Quartet offers a survey of his work in the medium, including the early, Scandinavian-inspired Three Miniatures; the microtonal Inscape from his experimental 60’s period;

and the masterful late quartets Night Descending Like Smoke, a harrowing meditation on the after-effects of war, and the luminous Harvest Timeless. The program also includes the delightful Playground and a duet inspired by the Balinese word Tjampuan, ‘where two rivers meet.’

About Nørgård in New York

Discover the music of Per Nørgård, Denmark’s greatest living composer. Queens-based Lost Dog New Music Ensemble presents three illuminating concerts at Scandinavia House that reveal Nørgård’s connections to American music and poetry, his vital contributions to the string quartet repertoire, and the influence of the soundscape of the natural world on his music. Featuring 11 major U.S. premieres, including a rare performance of his ravishing Night-Symphonies, Day Breaks. The series includes performances by guest artists Momenta Quartet, soprano Sarah Joy Miller, and percussionist Neeraj Mehta.

“The festival program for Nørgård in New York is a comprehensive presentation of my music, and I am very grateful for this endeavor. It is difficult not to be both touched and impressed by the work done by the musicians and ensembles involved in presenting my music to audiences in New York.

The works in the program come from different periods of my production, and I hope that my music will open the ears of the New York audience to new melodies and new beginnings.”—Per Nørgård



FRI—6-17-2016—8 PM
Series pass $45