Directed by Baldvin Zophoníasson (Iceland, 2014). Three different tales of three different people, all of whom end up having a lasting effect on one another. Twenty years after a horrible personal tragedy, a middle-aged writer (Þorsteinn Bachmann) still drinks himself into oblivion every day. A young, single mother (Hera Hilmar) moonlights as a prostitute to make ends meet.

A former soccer star (Thor Kristjansson) is recruited into the snake pit of international banking and loses touch with his family.

128 min. | In Icelandic with English subtitles.

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About the director

Baldvin Zophoníasson was born in Iceland and studied filmmaking in Denmark. He directed the documentary short Fáou Já (2013), and wrote and directed the short film Hotel Earth (2009), and the feature Jitters (2010).

Life in a Fishbowl (2014) is his latest film.

Special thanks to Film Republic, the Finnish Film Foundation, the Icelandic Film Centre, and Magnolia Pictures.



Photo by Jonathan B. Ragle

WED – 1-14-2015 – 7:00 PM
$10 ($7 ASF Members)