Finnish Folk Hop ensemble Tuuletar presents a selection of original compositions. Since 2012, this exceptional group has been enchanting audiences of all ages and cultures with their freshly invigorating, self-composed music and heartfelt, captivating spirit.
Their expressive and exotic voices, sassy beat boxing, and exquisite stage presence goes straight to your heart and soul.
About Tuuletar
Tuuletar is an exceptional, energetic and vibrant vocal group, consisting of four diverse young women. These extraordinary singers from Finland met during an exchange year at the Royal Academy of Music in Aarhus, Denmark. They have been singing, composing and performing together, creating their own unique, mesmerizing sound since 2012. With their feet strongly rooted in Finnish language and musical heritage, these women take influences from all around the world, enchanting audiences of all ages and cultures with their heartfelt, tribal, and captivating spirit. With their freshly invigorating and self-composed music, they appear as the true pioneers and innovators of a whole new genre, referred to as Folk Hop. Their highly expressive and exotic voices, staggeringly cool and sassy beatboxing and exquisite stage presence will leave no audience cold.
In July 2015, Tuutelar won the honorable Ward Swingle Silver Award in the POP-category of the international a cappella competition VOKAL TOTAL in Graz, Austria. In this prestigious competition Tuuletar also received a GOLD Diploma and won the Audience Award of the afternoon showcases.
In May 2015, Tuuletar competed in the International A Cappella Contest Leipzig in Germany and was one of the 10 best groups in the finals. Two years prior, Tuuletar was nominated as a finalist in two highly prestigious vocal group competitions (Aarhus Vocal Festival and Tampere Vocal Music Festival) and was elected as a Showcase performer at Kaustinen Folk Music Festival.
Tuuletar will release their first full album in May 2016.
THU- 1-28-16 – 7 PM