Set in the midst of the Second Schleswig War, 1864 is a tale of love, war, and politics. A breathtaking historical epic, the film’s central story—of two young brothers in love with the same woman, Inge—unfolds alongside flashes forward to the modern day, as Inge’s war-time diary is read aloud to her aged grandson. As the diary moves from the idylls of Jutlandic-village life to the red fields of the bloodiest battle in Danish history, the film chronicles the lives of these two volunteer soldiers, their ill-fated comrades in arms, and the villainous Danish politicians pulling strings behind the scenes.

This week on 1864, Danish political movements trigger a Prussian declaration of war. Leaving Inge behind, the brothers enlist and get a taste of the horrors of battle.



Image courtesy of Miso Film

WED—9-28-2016 THROUGH FRI—10-21-2016
Series pass $36 ($21 ASF Members)
$12 ($7 ASF Members)
120 min. | In Danish with English subtitles