Explore the world without leaving New York! The New York International Children’s Film Festival takes place February 23 through March 18, 2018 throughout New York City, with nine screenings at Scandinavia House. For complete lineup and tickets visit nyicff.org/tickets.
But don’t just take their word for it—fill out a ballot at every screening, and your votes will determine the Festival award winners.
NEXT DOOR SPY /Nabospionen
77 min. In Danish with English subtitles.
Ten-year-old Agathe-Christine (AC) loves a good mystery. When her family moves to a town that’s full of them, AC uses her detective skills to find friendship. (Denmark, 2017).
New York International Children’s Film Festival is dedicated to inspiring, entertaining and educating through innovative film programs that cultivate an appreciation for the arts, stimulate critical thought and promote media literacy.
Each year, the Festival invites New York families to travel the globe, discover new ideas and gain a deeper understanding of the world they live in — all from the comfort of their theater seats.
SAT—March 10—1 PM
$13 ($11 ASF Members)
Ages 3-6