Johannes lives together with his father, the middle-aged widower Ulrik, in a small fishing town in the northern part of Denmark. They live a quiet routine life, each minding their separate jobs in the fishing industry. Ulrik misses the love and tenderness of a woman and arranges for the young, beautiful, Filipino Rosita to come to Denmark, just as many other men in the town have done before him.
Johannes is reluctantly drawn into this as Ulrik’s translator. However, over the following weeks Johannes and Rosita are getting more and more attracted to each other, which forces Johannes to take responsibility for his dreams and his future. Directed by Frederikke Aspöck (Denmark, 2015).
“Modest but punching far above its weight in terms of emotional connection, this naturalistically shot tale about unspoken expectations and unreciprocated dreams boasts fine acting and credible scripting, creating equal sympathy for all three leads.”—Variety
“The film’s accessible topicality and atypical location could help spark interest among art house audiences looking for a contemporary Nordic twist on familiar themes.”—The Hollywood Reporter
About the director
Frederikke Aspöck has a master of fine arts degree in film making from Tisch School of the Arts, NYU and a bachelor’s degree in theater design from Wimbledon School of Art, London. Aspöck has directed several short films, one of which is her graduation film from Tisch, Happy Now which won Premier Prix de la Cinéfondation in Cannes in 2004 and countless other awards.
Since then, Aspöck has directed the critically acclaimed short film, Sheep, and her feature film debut Out of Bounds, which won the main prize at the Marrakech International Film Festival, and most recently she directed the feature film Rosita. Frederikke is currently developing Film Maker’s adaption of Klaus Lynggaard’s acclaimed teen novel, Martin & Victoria, with scriptwriter, Bo hr. Hansen.
New Nordic Cinema
FRI—4-14-2017—6:30 PM
$12 ($7 ASF Members)
92 min. In Danish and Tagalog with English subtitles.