MoreKids + Families
Explore the possibilities of printmaking! Following in the footsteps of the Prize Prints artists,
children will experiment with printmaking – a process based on making multiples, or copies – and create collographs, monoprints, and block prints.
About the art educators
Dr. Amy Brook Snider arrived at the Pratt Institute in 1979. She chaired the Art and Design Education Department for 30 years while also working as a consultant in arts education. As Chair, she received grants for a number of programs promoting art, poetry, and design in the education of public school students. From 2012 to 2014, she served as a full professor, teaching, supervising student teachers, and advising thesis students.
She also served as Director of Writing across the Curriculum, and as a representative on the Faculty Council and later, the Academic Senate. She was a founding member of the Initiative for Arts, Community, and Social ChangeCommittee, and served on several committees across schools and departments.
Brook Snider’s non-traditional approach to the profession is exemplified by the broad range of her interests, i.e., storytelling and children’s picture books, self-taught artists, and the integration of design in art education, to name a few.
In addition to teaching at Pratt, she has lectured in the U.S., Canada, and Great Britain; designed international and American educational programs; published articles; conducted teacher workshops; curated exhibitions; organized national panels and conferences; and advised a public television station, an architectural firm, and private foundations. Brook Snider has also served on the Board of the Beginning with Children Charter School and was awarded a Fulbright Specialist Grant in 2010.
Caitlin Reller received her B.F.A. in sculpture from the Herberger College of Fine Arts and Design in Tempe, Arizona. Upon graduation she received the Most Outstanding Sculpture Student Award. Reller obtained her Masters in Art and Design Education from Pratt Institute in December 2012. She is a co-founder of and teacher for the Small Hands Workshop, an affordable art program for young children in Williamsburg, Brooklyn. She currently lives in Brooklyn with her husband and children.
Photo by the American-Scandinavian Foundation
SAT – 4-18-2015 through 5-16-2015 – 2:00 PM
$12 ($10 ASF Members), Series pass: $48 ($40 ASF Members) | Ages 6 – 11
Enrollment is limited; early registration is strongly encouraged | #PrizePrints