This two-day forum asks whether there now exist structural blockages within economics on both sides of the Atlantic, which are preventing the achievement of strong, sustained economic growth, in addition to whether the discipline itself is in need of renewal in the face of this history.
Participants include Grete Brochmann; David Colander; Jefferson Cowie; Paul Dugid; Gerald Epstein; Katherine Fleming; Benjamin Friedman; Jacob Hacker; Simon Head; Paul Krugman; Jeff Madrick; Edmund Phelps; Martha Poon; Itamar Rabinovich; Richard Sennett; Robert Silvers; Robert Skidelsky; Jeremy Waldron; and Shoshana Zuboff. Organized by The New York Review of Books Foundation and co-sponsored by the Fritt Ord Foundation and The Dan David Prize.
Photo by the American-Scandinavian Foundation
SAT – 3-14-15 – 10:45 am – 4:30 pm
SUN – 3-15-15 – 10:00 am – 4:00 pm